Via Roma, 149, 95037 San Giovanni La Punta CT
095 6144009
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"A step towards the future"
Bilingual Kindergarten
"A step towards the future"
Bilingual Primary School
"A step towards the future"
Bilingual accredited nursery
"Children are like flowers, they reflect the kind of care they receive"

Cit. Maria Montessori

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Scuola dell'infanzia paritaria bilingue a Catania

Our section is inspired by Montessori pedagogical principles in which the centrality of the child, care for the environment and the role of educators are of great importance.

English booster

Our school tends to a high level training also in English; learning this language in a natural way, like Italian, is a priority goal of our school.

Corsi per bambini a Catania

The staff is made up of attentive, qualified and trained personnel who will always place the child in front of everything and at the center of every activity.

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Bilingual Institute

Maria Montessori Equal Institute Children's Home is a solid educational reality school in the Hinterland of Catania.

The property is located in the historic center of the Municipality of San Giovanni La Punta (CT) and is surrounded by a beautiful park of over 2,000 square meters.

Our school is inspired by the Montessorian pedagogical principles and tends to a high bilingual education.

The Institute consists of three school orders:

  • Primary school - Bilingual equal primary
  • Kindergarten - Montessori-inspired bilingual childhood
  • Nursery - accredited nursery school / with possible payment of the Bonus Inps.

Contact us now for more information about our school and our services

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Montessori-inspired Institute

Our school is inspired by Montessori pedagogical principles in which the centrality of the child, the care for the environment and the role of educators are of great importance.

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Our Institute today and its History

The history of the Ursuline Institute in San Giovanni La Punta dates back to 1933 with the purchase of Villa Cerami by Mother Lucia Mangano who was the Mother Superior of the Institute and now a Venerable.

Later on, thanks to various donations with the grace of God, it is believed, the Institute expanded with the subsequent purchase of Casa Buscemi along with plots of vineyards, olive groves and citrus orchards.

In 1942 the first elementary school was founded and achieved full authorisation as public schools. Later, also middle school and high school were opened.

The brilliant results and accurate teaching contributed to the gaining of popularity in the surrounding territory.

The Institute held over 650 students.

But Mother Lucia’s resources were never-ending.

Boarding school opened and there were 95 students.

The Chapel was built as well as the Sanctuary and the new building on four floors, where resides today Casa dei Bambini M. Montessori School.

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